10 Things Minecraft Beginners Should Do In The First Week

Starting your adventure in the pixelated realm of Minecraft may be both exhilarating and daunting. The endless options and limitless freedom can confuse beginners in terms of where to start. This guide will discuss ten facts every Minecraft beginner should pay attention to during the first week of higher playing. No matter your level of Minecraft experience, the tips outlined in this paragraph will guide you through blocky terrains and help establish a steady base for your playground.

10 Things Minecraft Beginners Should Do

1. Gather Essential Resources

Resource gathering is the first step of any Minecraft adventure. In the early days, focus on gathering wood, stone, and coal. These primitive materials are the foundation of your first tools as well as shelter in this initial stage. Arm yourself with a wooden pickaxe to mine stone blocks and collect enough wood for the craft of necessary tools as well as the construction of primitive shelter by day’s end.

2. Craft Basic Tools

Minecraft gameplay revolves around the process of crafting. When you have enough wood and stone, it is time to start crafting the basic tools. Making a wooden pickaxe, shovel, and axe will very much increase your efficiency in collecting resources. If you have a stone tool, upgrade as soon as possible for better efficiency. Please note that each tool has its purpose so you should have a balanced set to use for various activities.

3. Build a Shelter Before Nightfall

Danger lurks in the nighttime of Minecraft. Players must beware of hostile mobs that come out when it is dark, such as zombies and skeletons. Before dark, make a crude shelter to keep you safe. To begin, an elementary dirt or wood structure with torches should be enough. Moving up, you should improve and develop your shelter into a more advanced base.

4. Explore Your Surroundings

First of all, once you have found a safe place to stay there invest some time in searching for your surroundings. Learn the map, find valuable resources, and tag landmarks. It is better to investigate during the day when it would be easier for you to spot threats and opportunities. Watch for caves and gorges since they are usually rich in precious rocks, ores, and minerals.

5. Mine for Resources

Since we have set up a simple shelter and know the terrain, it is time to explore Minecraft’s underground in detail. To get iron coal and other minerals, one needs to either build a staircase or dig straight down. Pay attention to threats, including lava and monsters. Making torches and placing them can help in lighting your surroundings so that mining will be safer as well as more convenient.

6. Craft Furnace and Smelt Resources

As you mine ores, build a furnace to convert the ore into usable form. For example, smelting iron ore produces iron nuggets that can be used to craft better tools and armor. Ensure to use the furnace to empower your resources and unlock a universe of opportunities for crafting, thereby improving survivability.

7. Establish a Sustainable Food Source

The survival mode in Minecraft does not only include avoiding enemies but also preserving your life and hunger status. Hunt some animals like pigs and cows to eat the meat, and pluck seeds that grow into a basic farm. Wheat and carrots are grown to ensure a sustainable source of food. Work on getting a secure food source, in the beginning, to enable you to venture into and deal with problems without being so focused on hunger.

8. Build a Bed at the Spawn Point

It can be noticed that one aspect of early gameplay is a spawn point. Make a bed with wool and wood that will serve as your place of re-spawn should you come across an untimely death. Sleeping in a bed also skips the night so that you don’t have to go through enemy mobs. Remember that your bed should be situated in a place where it is safe to avoid shock when you wake up.

9. Engage with Villages and Structures

Villages and different buildings with valuables are present in the worlds of Minecraft most often. While you are traveling, find the neighboring villages and temples. Humans trade stuff that can excite, and temples contain valuable artifacts. But watch out for the dangers as some structures may be bo oby-trapped or defended by hostile mobs.

10. Experiment with Crafting and Building

When you learn the rudimentary skills of Minecraft, do not be afraid to try new things with craft and construction. Use various materials, experiment with new architectural styles, and let your imagination soar. However, creating different kinds of structures develops your abilities and makes your world more personalized. No matter if it is a snug cottage, an enormous castle, or even an underground fortress—let your imagination take over in the creation.


One of the most important weeks in Minecraft is determining your adventure’s foundation. By ensuring that you can collect resources, develop basic tools, and build a safe shelter – each of which is an achievement required for you to progress—you will be prepared for what awaits. Do not forget to research, gather resources, and interact with the various facets of Minecraft’s environment. With time, your skills will keep changing and the creation you make will be more ambitious. Have fun traveling, and may your blocky earth be full of boundless prospects!

Amor Faruk

Hello friends, my name is Amor Faruk. I am the owner of ApksZone. Through this website, I am publishing information about Minecraft. I have long time experience in this field. I love Blogging and playing Minecraft.

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