Minecraft Guides

Minecraft All Chicken Variants and Where to Find Them

Within the Minecraft world, chickens are not just clucking creatures instead they fulfill many roles that include being food and feathers suppliers. The game has a multitude of mobs in its inventory, however, players often overlook the unique variants of chickens. In this guide, we will take you through different types of chickens in the order of their utility and elaborate on how to utilize them. Let us break down the world of Minecraft chickens!

1. Standard Chicken

The standard chicken is the most widely spread version that is found wandering around green areas such as grasslands, forests, and villages. These gentle creatures typically are born in small packs with 2-4 of them and as a requirement for a natural environment, the light level should be higher than 9. Chickens are also a critical element for sustainability; they provide not only raw chicken (which can be cooked) but also feathers for arrows and eggs as a breeding or crafting material. They can be easily bred and nurtured with seeds which can be scattered on the ground and the farm will follow you, this way you can easily catch them and place them into the pen.

Furthermore, chickens lay eggs every 5-10 min that can be used in the way of throwing them where there is a possibility of hatching a baby chicken with 1/8. To get the flock growing quickly, feed two chickens with seeds. Pro tip: Use the dispenser to automate the process of egg collection, this way you are guaranteed consistent resources. Regardless of if you are getting prepared for a boss battle or making a feather-powered item farm, the regular chickens are an important part of each Minecraft base.

2. Baby Chicken

Baby chickens being standard chickens in their juvenile stage can be seen by their smaller size and lovable hops. They are the ones that have a 15% chance of having a baby chicken naturally from the adult chickens or the ones that were hatch from thrown eggs. These wee beings take 20 minutes of absolute growth into adulthood. Plus, you can call the other chicken by feeding with seeds (the time will be reduced by 10% for every feeding). Baby chickens are not dangerous and also cannot drop items until grown; thus, they remain a temporary but cuddly member of your farm.

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Although baby chickens are generally quiet, they can be attacked by predators such as foxes, wolves, and zombies. Protect them by putting up fences or walls all around your farm. It is interesting to note that baby chickens that were spawned from eggs have the very rare possibility of becoming a Chicken Jockey (the one that a baby zombie rides)—it is an amusing crossover that endangers the safety of your poultry paradise.

3. Chicken Jockey

The Chicken Jockey is a rare but hostile mob that is made up of a baby zombie, zombie villager, or a husk, who is riding on the back of a chicken. The spooky pair are found in the Overworld at any level of brightness, but they are more prevalent in Bedrock Edition (5% chance of spawning) than in Java Edition (0.25%). Chicken Jockeys are speedy, fierce, and tricky opponents: the zombie attacks you while the chicken waddles away from your blows. First, you should focus on killing the zombie riding the chicken as the chicken will flee alone afterwards.

Though they are rare, Chicken Jockeys give away uncommon rewards. The zombie may also drop various pieces of equipment such as iron swords or weapons, while the chicken behaves normally like a standard clucker post-releasing. In Bedrock Edition, the chicken additionally lays eggs! To farm Chicken Jockeys, scour the plains or desert sections at nighttime, but prepare yourself for some battling. They are a quirky symbol of the unpredictable beauty of Minecraft.


In Minecraft, the chicken variants are not only the primary sources of food but also add excitement to the gamers’ unexpected encounters with undeath riders. Be it breeding chicken for feathers, protecting baby chicks against enemies, or fighting Chicken Jockey, these mobs are more adaptive than one can think. Do you want to further improve your farming? Get some seeds, construct a coop, and start the clucking!

Amor Faruk

Hello friends, my name is Amor Faruk. I am the owner of ApksZone. Through this website, I am publishing information about Minecraft. I have long time experience in this field. I love Blogging and playing Minecraft.

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